March 21, 2009


i jst had the weirdest dream!! kela jam3a-related awal part was about me n this guy going skiing together la o traa blkuwait!!;p wayed estansna 3ad! oo the other part ena faja'a ana rdait eljam3a taking a major subject oo a guy brings me a laptop eygole it has the whole material summerized oo that he worked on it for me ;) (YES he winked! ma3a ena bl sj he never spoke to me :p)
she6are? mnzmaan mashfthum aslaan!! bs way el7elm kan eywannnnness ;-p

i cannot enjoy my weekends , la'ana a7e6 alarm 3shaan agom , 7adee khayfa i mess-up my sleeping la'ane shwaya embad3a i have only few mins left for this month to come in late bs aslan i shudnt b late :p

Laishh ma3nde BB yet? i was very excited about it a year ago o al7een kelman hab feh o sar available everywhere oo ana ma3ndee eyahhh!!!! (e7em)

today was a saad Saad daay. after 8 years of false hope he leaves herand marries the girl his mom chose for him !!!

i wannnt my ollllddd self baaackk !!:( a7esne sayra ma awanes!! oo ma3nde wayed frnds , anyone interesteedd??:P

a very close frnd of mine is engaged , still its too early but im very very VERY excited for her , bs yarrabe shes taking tooooooooooooooooo long!! two months eygolaha yabeeha , one month oma edg /omha edg back/yadeta edg/om'ha edg back , btroo7 my excitmennntt;p

Current Habbat :
FB (loyal)
cosmopolitan (3nde 6 different editions for the last 2 months)
my mobile (awal marra aheb feh men 6 years ymken)
Duffy (Tomorrow;*)
and myyy belooved Wii ♥♥♥


3aliya said... too MA3NDEE wayed friends!! 3adee that's life it sucks!!;p enjoy how much u can from it!!;p

LOOOOL...dude i know how you feel my close friend of mine got engaged!!;p madree if you know her bas her name is toota!!;p

FB is soo boring!!;p lool all i do in it is go see pics that's it!! ow if lee 5ilg i comment!!;p

zuz said...

el7elm ya3ny ohma ga3deen e7eshon fech chenna!;p, aw enich ra7 tshofenhom;p!!, lool ana b3d ma3ndy BB, o 7dy maby:( ma7eb el habbat el kuwaiteya;p! ana b3d ma3ndy wayed friends;p!! ma ala7eg! o ennas 9ayreen chlaaaab;p so matabenhom! 5alech chethy a7la:D

Anony said...

ya7elo tadreej el alwan bs :P

lool u count ur mins mashallah 3aleech :P weli yom etye 45min later o elyom eli wara 30 min hahahaha :P

Mrs. said...

La tharooory BB :P itll make us more intouchh
AND btw I like the new u, a7esech ur a human being now, awal kelllaaaaa naymaa o nomtech madre shlon gaylaa kentay t7ereeny magdar a7aslech lo sheno :P

Anonymous said...

Eee madry laish it takes forever for people to get around the word that we want to engage ur daughter for our son!!!

3yal cham sena yabelkom for il malcha... il nass tabi excitmenet o wanasa o tedewer bedal yalla khalsoona :D

Anonymous said...

Wedi a7thef my BB min ilderesha!!

and ur dream means ina one of them wil propose to u soon ;p

loooooool tara ga3da a'alef

Um Mit3ib said...

la3abtay ib mario cart malat el wii ?
aseer yahel bo 6 yrs lama al3abha :P

well actually al3abha ma3a my cousin bo 6 yrs :P la wagola bakaser rasik :P

way way


Silver said...

false hope is a sad sad thing..

bored said...

laish alarm blweekend?!! 3adi tikhtirib noomti wala tikhtirib me weekend ;p

Anonymous said...

shakilha eljam3a emsawyatlich RO3B :)

Unknown said...

I'll be your friend if you get an iphone : p
i live in the north pole now though, is that ok?

I like your blog's name ; )

Anonymous said...

how about getting a new friend back :P ?

Glittereya !
ollah shakhbari elesm :p

YoOoNa said...

loooool glitteriya! :p
I love uu :***

oo dalol sara7a postech kha6eeer :p
Buy wii fit! 7adha etwanes!

eshda3wa said...

i dont have many frnds either
bs thats the way i like it

as for a BB

i dont have one ... cz im cool like dat :P

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