January 29, 2009

Dee the newbie ;)

im at work! the work i hated all from the begining (the first ugly week arghh) but now im think im falling in love!;$ they are Sooo soo nice mashallaaah , all smiles and very cheerful ive bonded with the newbies cause u know we feel for each other;p and since i got transfered this week to a new dep (yeah they really wanted to get rid of me;p) i got to meet the whole floor .
if youve asked me two days earlier about work i wudve told u that no way in hell im gna complete my 100 days but now i do see myself here and i really hope that i be the most comprehending and innovative newbie they ever had;p
zain guess what previously very fathya Dee got a meeting today , yes a MEETING i cannot stop saying it ,i feeel smaart haha gta got readyy for my 'meeting'
laters ;)


nameless said...

hehe, zain ashwa il7imdela

mwafga enshalh sis

shamma aldabal said...

gooooooodluck with that =D

zuz said...

wooohooo sh3alaaaaaaich;p;p

Dee said...

hehe 7ada el7amdillah!! ajma3en ;)

thanks sugar!

hehe 7ada sh3lai im gna explode;p

Danah said...

mabrook 3al job!:D bas laish 100 days?:p

bored said...

al7een all u need is a blackberry ;p mabrook ;)

Dee said...

allah eybarek feech , i can quit the job whenever i want withen the first 100 days;p

haha will get one enshallah ;p
allaah eybarek feek!!

Anonymous said...

Yeeey new job!! It must be exciting for you ... good luck babes ;*

Mrs. said...

kashkhaa wala meetings o 7arakaat :P

Ahmed said...

that's really great inshallah doom !
good luck

PaLoMiNo said...

Good Luck 7abeebti ;***

Dee said...

Allaah eybarek feech , it is exciting its all what im talking about these days;p

affa 3laich bs ;p o elyoum i had another one!!:p

Ahmad and palamino
thankyouu ;)

F said...


Anonymous said...

oooh the first time u use the word meeting.... it feels so grown up and matureeeee

but insha2 allah down the road one day you will hear "now meeting" and you will go "noo nooo my freedooom noooooooooooooooo"

Good luck :D 3ogbal ma inshoof post about your promotion :D

honey said...

tara fe majal aye ashteqel ma3ach later:p "ma a3ref a9er more lazga;p"

Dee said...


eee EE! i know elyoum 3 meetings takhylai! oo elmushkela male salfa a7ther oo asket malaqa;p

cant wait;*