i jst had the weirdest dream!! kela jam3a-related awal part was about me n this guy going skiing together la o traa blkuwait!!;p wayed estansna 3ad! oo the other part ena faja'a ana rdait eljam3a taking a major subject oo a guy brings me a laptop eygole it has the whole material summerized oo that he worked on it for me ;) (YES he winked! ma3a ena bl sj he never spoke to me :p)
she6are? mnzmaan mashfthum aslaan!! bs way el7elm kan eywannnnness ;-p
i cannot enjoy my weekends , la'ana a7e6 alarm 3shaan agom , 7adee khayfa i mess-up my sleeping la'ane shwaya embad3a i have only few mins left for this month to come in late bs aslan i shudnt b late :p
Laishh ma3nde BB yet? i was very excited about it a year ago o al7een kelman hab feh o sar available everywhere oo ana ma3ndee eyahhh!!!! (e7em)
today was a saad Saad daay. after 8 years of false hope he leaves herand marries the girl his mom chose for him !!!
i wannnt my ollllddd self baaackk !!:( a7esne sayra ma awanes!! oo ma3nde wayed frnds , anyone interesteedd??:P
a very close frnd of mine is engaged , still its too early but im very very VERY excited for her , bs yarrabe shes taking tooooooooooooooooo long!! two months eygolaha yabeeha , one month oma edg /omha edg back/yadeta edg/om'ha edg back , btroo7 my excitmennntt;p
Current Habbat :
FB (loyal)
cosmopolitan (3nde 6 different editions for the last 2 months)
my mobile (awal marra aheb feh men 6 years ymken)
Duffy (Tomorrow;*)
and myyy belooved Wii ♥♥♥